Black Kitchens

Black is posh. It doesn’t even matter what it is: The front door, ever been to London? The countertop, just sexy. The floor, yes, and please. I so wanted a black oak floor in my apartment and I let people talk me out of it, broke my own rule. Those shoes you forgot you had in the back of the closet. You know they’re there. But black cherry cabinets with a mid-century modern slab door, I’m not sure Posh is a big enough word. They go all the way to this 10-foot ceiling. I had so much fun helping her put this together. This took many appointments. So many details. And that was just the kitchen. This was a brand new build; Her dream house. I can’t even imagine how many decisions she stressed over on the rest of the house, which is gorgeous. I was honored she chose me to be the one to help her pull everything together.